Διακομιστής Minecraft DrugLegends

DrugLegends is a unique factions drug server. We have spent countless hours and dollars in development creating never seen before features for you to enjoy.

Some features include...
[+] 3D Blackjack Games
[+] 3D Slot Machines
[+] Farming/spawner economy
[+] Textured drugs
[+] KoTH's and Outposts
[+] Dynamic Economy
[+] Events
[+] Unique Custom Enchants
[+] PayPal Payouts

Status: Online
IP: org.druglegends.net
Uptime: 76.4%
Country: US
Players: 150/420
Κωδικός ενσωμάτωσης

Added: Admin Created: 12/08/2020